Иван обнови решението на 10.03.2015 22:54 (преди над 9 години)
+horoscopeWest = ["aries", "taurus", "gemini", "cancer", "leo","virgo", "libra", "scorpio", "sagittarius", "capricorn", "aquarius", "pisces"]
+horoscopeEast = ["monkey", "rooster", "dog", "pig", "rat", "ox",
+ "tiger", "rabbit", "dragon", "snake", "horse", "sheep"]
+def interpret_western_sign (day, month):
+ if (day>20 and month==3) or (day<21 and month==4):
+ return horoscopeWest[0]
+ elif (day>20 and month==4) or (day<21 and month==5):
+ return horoscopeWest[1]
+ elif (day>20 and month==5) or (day<21 and month==6):
+ return horoscopeWest[2]
+ elif (day>20 and month==6) or (day<22 and month==7):
+ return horoscopeWest[3]
+ elif (day>21 and month==7) or (day<23 and month==8):
+ return horoscopeWest[4]
+ elif (day>22 and month==8) or (day<23 and month==9):
+ return horoscopeWest[5]
+ elif (day>22 and month==9) or (day<23 and month==10):
+ return horoscopeWest[6]
+ elif (day>22 and month==10) or (day<22 and month==11):
+ return horoscopeWest[7]
+ elif (day>21 and month==11) or (day<22 and month==12):
+ return horoscopeWest[8]
+ elif (day>21 and month==12) or (day<20 and month==1):
+ return horoscopeWest[9]
+ elif (day>19 and month==1) or (day<19 and month==2):
+ return horoscopeWest[10]
+ else:
+ return horoscopeWest[11]
+def interpret_chinese_sign(year):
+ if (year >= 0):
+ sign = year%12
+ return horoscopeEast[sign]
+ else:
+ sign = (-year)%12
+ return horoscopeEast[12 - sign]
+def interpret_both_signs(day, month, year):
+ west = interpret_western_sign(day, month)
+ east = interpret_chinese_sign(year)
+ signs = [west, east]
+ return tuple(signs)
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