Станислав обнови решението на 30.04.2015 16:27 (преди над 9 години)
+class FileSystemError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'File system error!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class NodeDoesNotExistError(FileSystemError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'The node does not exist!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class NotEnoughSpaceError(FileSystemError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'Not enough space in your file system!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class SourceNodeDoesNotExistError(NodeDoesNotExistError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'The file system does not contain such source node!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class DestinationNodeDoesNotExistError(NodeDoesNotExistError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'The destination node does not exist!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class DestinationNodeExistsError(NodeDoesNotExistError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'The destination node already exist!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class FileSystemMountError(FileSystemError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'Mount error!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class MountPointDoesNotExistError(FileSystemMountError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'Mount error!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class MountPointNotADirectoryError(FileSystemMountError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'Mount error!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class MountPointNotEmptyError(FileSystemMountError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'Mount error!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class DestinationNotADirectoryError(NodeDoesNotExistError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'Destination is not a directory!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+class DirectoryHardLinkError(FileSystemError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.message = 'Cannot create hard link for a directory!!!'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.message)
+def getlast(path):
+ if '/' in path:
+ help_str = ''
+ for i in path[::-1]:
+ help_str = help_str + i
+ if i == '/': break
+ return help_str[::-1]
+def split(path):
+ if path[0] == '/':
+ list_of_dir = []
+ tmp_str = ''
+ count = 0
+ for i in path[1::]:
+ count += 1
+ if not i == '/':
+ tmp_str = tmp_str + i
+ elif not '/' in path[count::]:
+ list_of_dir.append(tmp_str)
+ list_of_dir.append(getlast(tmp_str))
+ tmp_str = ''
+ else:
+ list_of_dir.append('/' + tmp_str)
+ tmp_str = tmp_str + '/'
+ list_of_dir.append('/' + tmp_str)
+ return list_of_dir
+def getdir(path):
+ return path[:len(path) - len(getlast(path))]
+def getfilename(path):
+ return getlast(path)[1::]
+class File:
+ def __init__(self, content):
+ self.content = content
+ def append(self, text):
+ self.content = self.content + text
+ def truncate(self, text):
+ self.content = text
+ def size(self):
+ return len(self.content) + 1
+ def __getattr__(self, content):
+ return self.content
+class Directory:
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ self.path = path
+ def __getattr__(self, path):
+ return path
+ def directories(self):
+ #list_of_dir = split(self.path)
+ list_of_subdir = split(self.path)
+ #for i in list_of_dir:
+ #if path in i:
+ #list_of_subdir.append(i)
+ return list_of_subdir
+class FileSystem(File, Directory):
+ def __init__ (self, size):
+ self.size = size
+ self.available_size = size - 1
+ self.nodes = {'/': {}}
+ def __getattr__(self, size):
+ return self.size
+ def __getattr__(self, available_size):
+ return self.available_size
+ def __getattr__(self, nodes):
+ return self.nodes
+ def create (self, path, directory = False, content = ''):
+ if directory == False:
+ new_file = File(content)
+ if path.count('/') > 1:
+ file_name = getlast(path)
+ path = path[:len(path) - len(file_name)]
+ elif path.count('/') == 1:
+ file_name = path
+ path = '/'
+ if path in self.nodes and not file_name[1::] in self.nodes[path]:
+ self.nodes[path][file_name[1::]] = content
+ elif not path in self.nodes:
+ raise DestinationNodeDoesNotExistError
+ if self.available_size - len(new_file.content) < 1:
+ raise NotEnoughSpaceError
+ self.available_size -= len(new_file.content) + 1
+ return new_file
+ else:
+ if path in self.nodes:
+ raise DestinationNodeExistsError
+ elif getdir(path) in self.nodes:
+ new_directory = Directory(path)
+ #new_list_of_directories = split(path)
+ #for i in new_list_of_directories:
+ #self.catalog[i] = {}
+ if self.available_size - path.count('/') < 1:
+ raise NotEnoughSpaceError
+ self.nodes[path] = {}
+ self.available_size -= path.count('/')
+ return new_directory
+ elif path.count('/') == 1 and not path == '/':
+ new_directory = Directory(path)
+ self.nodes[path] = {}
+ if self.available_size - path.count('/') < 1:
+ raise NotEnoughSpaceError
+ self.available_size -= path.count('/')
+ return new_directory
+ elif getdir(path) in self.nodes and getlast(path)[1::] in self.nodes[getlast(path)]:
+ return DestinationNodeExistsError
+ def get_node(self, path):
+ if path in self.nodes:
+ new_dir = Directory(path)
+ return new_dir
+ elif path[:len(path) - len(getlast(path))] in self.nodes and getlast(path)[1::] in self.nodes[path[:len(path) - len(getlast(path))]]:
+ file_content = self.nodes[getdir(path)][getfilename(path)]
+ new_file = File(file_content)
+ return new_file
+ else:
+ raise NodeDoesNotExistError
+ def remove(self, path, directory = False, force = True):
+ if path in self.nodes and directory == False:
+ raise NonExplicitDirectoryDeletionError
+ if directory == False:
+ file_name = getfilename(path)
+ tmp_dir = getdir(path)
+ if not self.nodes[tmp_dir] == {} and file_name in self.nodes[tmp_dir]:
+ self.available_size += len(self.nodes[tmp_dir][file_name])
+ tmp = self.nodes[tmp_dir].pop(file_name)
+ else:
+ raise DestinationNodeExistsError
+ else:
+ if path in self.nodes:
+ if force == True:
+ for i in list(self.nodes.keys()):
+ if path in i:
+ del self.nodes[i]
+ elif force == False and not self.nodes[path] == {}:
+ raise NonEmptyDirectoryDeletionError
+ elif self.nodes[path] == {}:
+ for i in list(self.nodes.keys()):
+ if path in i and self.nodes[i] == {}:
+ del self.nodes[i]
+ else:
+ raise NonExplicitDirectoryDeletionError
+ def move(self, source, destination):
+ new_dir = getdir(destination)
+ new_file = getfilename(destination)
+ if new_dir in self.nodes and new_file in self.nodes[new_dir]:
+ raise DestinationNotADirectoryError
+ elif not destination in self.nodes and not(new_dir in self.nodes or new_file in self.nodes[new_dir]):
+ raise DestinationNodeDoesNotExistError
+ elif not source in self.nodes and not getdir(source) in self.nodes:
+ raise SourceNodeDoesNotExistError
+ elif getlast(source) in self.cnodes[destination]:
+ raise DestinationNodeExistsError
+ else:
+ d_name = getdir(source)
+ name = getlast(source)[1::]
+ if d_name in self.nodes and name in self.nodes[getdir(source)]:
+ move_file_content = self.nodes[d_name][name]
+ self.nodes[destination][name] = move_file_content
+ del self.nodes[d_name][name]
+ def link(self, source, destination, symbolic = True):
+ if not (source in self.nodes or getdir(source) in self.nodes) and symbolic == True:
+ raise NodeDoesNotExistError
+ elif source in self.nodes and symbolic == False:
+ return DirectoryHardLinkError
+ else:
+ if symbolic == True:
+ s_link = symbolic(self, source)
+ self.available_size -= 1
+ return s_link
+ else:
+ new_file = self.get_node(source)
+ file_name = getfilename(source)
+ file_dir = getdir(source)
+ if file_dir in self.nodes and file_name not in self.nodes[file_dir] or file_dir not in self.nodes:
+ raise SourceNodeDoesNotExistError
+ h_link = HardLink(new_file)
+ if (getdir(destination) not in self.nodes):
+ self.create(getdir(destination), directory = True)
+ self.nodes[getdir(
+ destination)][getfilename(
+ destination)] = h_link.content
+ self.available_size -= 1
+ return h_link
+class symbolic_link(FileSystem):
+ def __init__ (self, fs, link_path):
+ self.link_path = link_path
+ self.nodes = fs.nodes
+ def __getattr__(self, link_path):
+ return self.link_path
+ def getcontent(self):
+ file_name = getfilename(self.link_path)
+ file_dir = getdir(self.link_path)
+ if file_dir in self.nodes and file_name in self.nodes[file_dir]:
+ return self.nodes[file_dir][file_name]
+ elif self.link_path in self.nodes:
+ return self.nodes[self.link_path]
+class HardLink(File):
+ def __init__(self, f):
+ self.content = f.content
+ def __getattr__(self, content):
+ return self.content